“Talking Tojo”  Invites to Connect

Posted on desember 6, 2023

«Talking Tojo” – as part of my *COMU Imperfectum project, blur the lines between new AI capabilities and artistic expression and creativity. The project, invites into a dialogue with generative AI, questioning its impact on aesthetics and identity. (*Imperfect Code Mutants)

In «Talking Tojo,» Tjook paraphrases the famous line from ‘Taxi Driver’ – «Are you talking to me?» Weaving a narrative where AI characters, though seemingly engaging with the audience, are embarking on a journey of self-discovery. This unique artistic venture uses the power of conversation – not just as a tool for communication but as a mirror, reflecting the deeper questions of identity and existence that lie at the heart of both art and human experience

Who or What is Talking?

The characters playing out in «Talking Tojo» are born from a blend of my own textual and visual instructions training and generating new AI experiences. Each portrait, aspiring to a form of perfection, reveals upon closer inspection the subtle discrepancies that define their «imperfect» nature. This notion of ‘incompleteness’ is a crucial aspect of the project, reflecting a deeper narrative about the nature of AI and its place in the artistic world.

Angus and Siren

In this project, Angus and Siren, the AI entities, are not just digital appearances but also have voices that engage in a poignant dialogue about existence. These characters, accessible through short videos, invite viewers into conversations about virtual aesthetics, identity, and the emotions they evoke. This interaction goes beyond viewing; it’s an experiential journey where viewers are asked to reflect on their perceptions and feelings toward these AI beings.

Angus Talking Tojo – Tjook 2023

A Thought-Provoking Interaction

«Talking Tojo» is more than an artistic display; it’s a kind of interactive narrative. Angus and Siren, with their longing for life and connection, echo the classic yearning seen in tales like Pinocchio, coming to life and making the wish of an old man come through. They challenge viewers to contemplate the blurring lines between artificial and real, questioning the nature of existence and the potential for AI to transcend its digital boundaries.

Siren Talking Tojo – Tjook 2023

Central to Tjook’s work is an exploration of perception: How do we see beauty in these AI creations, and what emotions do they evoke? This contemplation pushes viewers to look beyond the digital exterior to the unique source code, the true essence of these artworks. «Talking Tojo» marks a paradigm shift, much like the advent of photography, where AI-driven art challenges and redefines artistic norms.

In essence, «Talking Tojo: Tjook Lets AI Speak for Itself» is a testament to contemporary art’s dynamic, changing landscape. It challenges us to embrace AI-shaped realities, reevaluate our perceptions, and engage in a dialogue that surpasses traditional art boundaries. Tjook’s work is a call to ponder the significant impact of technology on art and identity, epitomizing how art, in the digital age, remains a mirror of our constantly evolving world.

Behind this project is my own story, a Dutch-born artist who has spent over two decades in Norway, exploring both conceptual and photo-based art at the intersection of art and technology. «Talking Tojo» is a recent culmination of these explorations, offering a unique and thought-provoking experience that contributes to the ongoing discourse in modern art. For more insights into my journey and previous works, I invite you to visit www.tjook.com.

Other AI proisjects bt Tjook:

SHEBA – Onyx Royale

AI Fashion Models by Tjook

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